Memorabilia Title Graphic

WAGGGS divider

WAGGGS bullet Calendars - U.S.A. Girl Scouting WAGGGS bullet

WAGGGS bullet Daisy Low Story  WAGGGS bullet

WAGGGS bullet Postal Stamps- Girl Scouts/Guides WAGGGS bullet

WAGGGS divider

This website is unofficial and for informational purposes only. Girl Scout words, pins, the trefoil shape and other items are trademarked to GSUSA.


Elysium Gates Inc.

Featured Member Site Award

This site was designed courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics using digital camera images and modified using Click to get your own copy of XARA! The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts symbol used throughout this site was adapted by Crystal Cloud Graphics but belongs to WAGGGS.  This site is navigable for the seeing impaired.  Crystal Cloud Graphics also sponsors Group 1058, be sure to visit their site.  Contact web mistress Kythera Ann with comments or questions.