90th title graphic

The Juniors invited the third grade bridging Brownies to participate in this event with them.  Because the event was so far from where we live, we stayed two nights in a Scout house that was near the event.  So much happened that we have divided up this section into several pages for your browsing.

Insignia bulletSleepover at the Scout HouseGirl Scout insignia bullet
scout house

Insignia bulletBirthday party for a Girl ScoutGirl Scout insignia bullet
Sam's birthday cake

Insignia bullet 90th Celebration-Arco Memorabilia Girl Scout insignia bullet
Arco celebration patch

Insignia bullet90th Celebration-Arco-Troop PhotosGirl Scout insignia bullet
bridging Brownie enjoying the event!

We had so much fun swapping at the event, we collected 5 pages of different kinds of 90th Anniversary swaps to show you!:

Swap hat

Girls loved wearing their swap hats to show everything off!

90th Swaps page 1

90th Swaps page 2

90th Swaps page 3

90th Swaps page 4

90th Swaps page 5

great swap

   Some of the swaps were truly amazing!

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This website is unofficial. Girl Scout words, pins, the trefoil shape and other items are trademarked to GSUSA.

We recommend you also visit Girl Scout Memorabilia, it's a great site by our troop sponsor.

This site was designed courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics using digital camera images of troop activities and modified using Click to get your own copy of XARA!.  This site is navigable for the seeing impaired.  Contact web mistress Kythera Ann with comments or questions.