Junior Badge Title Graphic

Junior Badges are earned by learning a subject/skill well enough to be able to teach it to others.

Fun & Fit Badge

Fun And Fit

Learned about how to feel better through exercise...the proper way to warm up and cool down.  Learned about properly fitting shoes and taught Brownies jump rope.

Girl Scouting In the USA Badge
Girl Scouting in the USA

Girls learned about Scouting in the USA: the promise, law and history and helped younger girls learn about Scouting through games & ceremonies.

Let's Get Cooking Badge

Let's Get Cooking

Girls learned some basics about cooking and experimented with making some great food.  The best part was eating it!

Music Fun Badge
Music Fun

Girls learned about various styles of music and how to recognize the sound of various instruments.  They also learned how music can be the sound of nature and/or made with voices/instruments.

Dance badge

Girls learned a variety of dances and watched a Scottish women fancy step demonstration.  They also did a performance for younger Scouts.

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This website is unofficial. Girl Scout words, pins, the trefoil shape and other items are trademarked to GSUSA.

We recommend you also visit Girl Scout Memorabilia, it's a great site by our troop sponsor.

This site was designed courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics using digital camera images of troop activities and modified using Click to get your own copy of XARA!.  This site is navigable for the seeing impaired.  Contact web mistress Kythera Ann with comments or questions.